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How Much Shock Should You Use To Treat A Green Pool?


Some pool owners might think of pool shocking as a difficult process, well it is not as long as you follow the right directions for it, and you have an idea how much shock for green pool you must use. Pool shocking is a process where you will treat your cloudy or green pool water with higher doses of chlorine to be able to kill germs, bacteria, pathogens, and algae, and even wash away organic and inorganic contaminants in your pool water.

The said process can be effective if you have enough knowledge to do it, and as long as you follow the right directions to make it work. In this article, we will guide you in the proper step-by-step procedures to do it, and the right amount to put in your pool water based on different factors that you have to take into mind as a pool owner.

Part 1. Things That You Have To Know About Pool Shock Treatment

Well, shocking your swimming pool means that you are adding a high amount of chlorine that is concentrated which will kill all the living contaminants in your pool. There can be consequences when you over-shock your pool, such as getting green hair, but as long as you follow all the instructions as indicated on the container of your pool shock product, then everything must go as you planned.

There are different types of pool shock that you can use in treating your pool water. It would be best to have ideas about it before figuring out how much shock for green pool should you use. We have listed these items below altogether with some descriptions, so you can choose which product will suit your current pool situation.

1. Sodium Hypochlorite

The first in our list is the sodium hypochlorite. This is also known as liquid chlorine and is one of the common products used in shocking a pool. This product is popular among pool owners since it is easier to apply, you can just start mixing and pouring it into your pool water, and you do not even need to get a bucket of water to dissolve the chlorine in it and create a solution. This option is also said to be more beneficial since it is the option where there can be a lesser possibility of turning your pool to a cloudy or hazy status.

2. Calcium Hypochlorite

This one is a type of chlorine that is solid in form and can act as an agent used as a bleach to sanitize your pool water. This type of shock is usually presented in the granular form, sometimes represented as chlorine tablets. This type of pool shock product will require you to get a bucket and make sure to completely dissolve your chlorine with five gallons of pool water before you pour and mix it into your pool. This is to make sure that you do not have bleach that is undiluted and can sip into the pool’s liners or floors as well. This is important since it can bring damage to your pools and liners if not taken care of immediately.

3. Sodium Dichlor

The next one we have is the sodium dichlor which is a common type of granular shock. This type of shock contains cyanuric acid or CYA that will help your chlorine remain intact so that you can use it longer, it also protects chlorine from being washed off early because of too much sunlight. But you have to be careful when choosing this type of product for your pool shock, you have to measure your CYA levels carefully and assess whether it will be good to have additional doses of CYA in it. This is in the solid form or granular shock, and it must be ensured that you have completely dissolved it in a separate bucket before pouring it into your pool.

PoolClever Chlorine Granules

And there you are, you have to be sure of what type of pool shock are you going to use in treating your pool. It is advised to test your pool water before pool shock to be able to consider existing levels of chemicals on it. Also, it is needed that you always check the labels of the products you use, so you can put in the right dose, and execute the right procedures as well.

Part 2. How Much Shock For Green Pool Should You Use?

It is important to figure out pool shock treatment and products that you can use before you think of how much shock for green pool should use. This is an important factor in making the proper measurement of how much shock for green pool should use.

Well, there is a standard ratio, and a general rule of thumb that you need to consider. When you start shocking your pool, dissolve one pound of sodium dichlor or calcium hypochlorite for every 10,000 gallons of pool water, and if you are about to use the liquid type of pool shock, you need to pour 10 ounces of liquid chlorine for every 10,000 gallons of pool water. This means that you have to be precise with the size of your pool so you can be sure of the proper amount of shock to use. To guide you, we have a formula that will help you figure out how many gallons of pool water are in your pool, it is:

The length of your pool in feet is multiplied by its width in feet as well, and multiplied once more by its depth in feet, and the total to be multiplied to 7.5, this will determine how many gallons of water is in your pool.

Another way to calculate the right measurement of how much shock for green pool should use is to measure the level of chlorine in parts per million or PPM. For you to be sure that the pool shock will be more effective, the level of chlorine must be brought to at least 30 ppm.

If you have issues in algae infestation, adding more shock will be more effective, this is the recommended measurement that you should follow:

Type of Pool Algae

  • If you have early-stage algae or if the color of your pool is light green or teal green in color, you need to double shock your pool, use two pounds of the pool shock product for every 10,000 gallons of your pool water.
  • If you already have a significant growth of algae and your pool water already turned darker green, you have to triple shock your pool using three pounds of pool shock products per 10,000 gallons of pool water.
  • And if you already have the extreme growth of algae, or you have black algae, and the color of your pool is already black-green, you need to quadruple your pool shock using four pounds of shock per 10,000 gallons of pool water.

When you shock your pool with a concentrated amount of chlorine, it can be considered as the most effective treatment to be able to kill algae. You can use an algaecide as well since it is more effective in preventing algae.

Chlorine Granules to Kill Algae

Part 3. FAQs

1. What will Happen if You Add a Lot of Shock to Your Pool?

A high level of chlorine is effective at killing algae or other unwanted organisms in your pool water, however, it can also be the cause to make your pool a little cloudy or hazy. If you add too much shock to your pool, there is a possibility of having a strong chlorine smell. If this happens, try testing the chemicals in your pool to determine its levels, and if the strong smell of chlorine persists, you can always call the help of a professional.

2. How Long Does it Take for Shock to Clear Up a Green Pool?

After conducting the right steps in pool shocking, you need to wait for at least 12 to 24 hours to make the whole process complete. This will give the pool shock enough time to do its tasks and make your pool water clear and clean. It is normally advised to shock your pool at night to prevent the sunlight from eating up chlorine and to also be able to enjoy the pool during the day once the shocking process is already finished.

3. Why is My Pool Still Green after the Pool is Shocking?

Well, there can be reasons why it is still green. You need to make sure that you follow the right treatment, balance your pool water chemistry before pool shock, clean your pool, run the filter, and maintain good and proper water circulation before shocking your pool.

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